Point Cloud Processor

Qt icon PyQt5

Desktop application for detecting planes in a point cloud.


For my Graduation project my group and I had to make a project that was about detecting planes inside a point cloud, in order to get information about all the planes in a point cloud.

Built with

The application is seperated into 2 parts:

  • The desktop application that was made in Pyton using the PyQt5 library.
  • The model that will actually process the point cloud was made with Python.
  • Process

  • Load the point cloud.
  • Use RANSAC to detect planes.
  • Possibly cluster using a cluster strategy like DBSCAN or agglomerative clustering, using no clustering is also possible.
  • Save each of the planes as a .ply file.
  • Generate a color range for each plane and save the entire point cloud with the colors.
  • Calculate the surface area of each plane.
  • Write the info for each plane to a .csv file.
  • Screenshots

    Noted screenshot Noted screenshot Noted screenshot

    @2024 Bryan Van Winnendael | Belgium

    Built with Astro